Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Brain Dump
london olympics: summer olympics, 2012. i DESPERATELY want to go. anyone have an extra two grand they'd be willing to give me, as well as a recommendation of a free 5-star hotel in london? let me know!
knitting: my aunt taught me the basic knit and pearl stitches last march, with the intent that i could make a blanket for the Nugget before he/she was due in July. it's almost a year later, and i don't think i've gotten past row 12. i really need to get working on that again.
fashion: my word, i need help. i have some cute clothes, but i need my very own stacy and clinton to tell me how to wear them and what to wear them with. Grace, we're going shopping when you get here!
house of cards: totally random (the theme for this post, if you couldn't already tell), but i was listening to a taylor swift song and she mentioned a 'house of cards', when i realized that i've never built a literal house of cards. i remember there was a brady bunch episode where the kids had a card-house-building competition, and i vowed right then and there i would build my own someday. i think i was about 10 when i made that promise. i should honestly cross that off my bucket list.
healthy living: i've finally reached the point in my never-ending weight battle, and decided that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: i'm finally going to lose this weight once and for all! i lost 15 lbs. in college after doing the nutrisystem plan, and kept it off for about a year and a half. but then when Nuggette was born in July, i didn't go to the gym for about a month - just burnt out, i suppose. then there were the good old American (read: fattening) summer BBQs, halloween candy, thanksgiving, christmas cookies, etc. and now that it's the new year, i have no more excuses, no more holidays, and honestly need to focus on my health. which means back to my old routine of going to the gym a MINIMUM of four times per week (hopefully 5-6), eating rabbit food and lots of soup, lean protein, yadda yadda yadda. basically torturing myself until i'm back down to my old weight. oh the fun never stops around here!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
day 13

Monday, January 17, 2011
day 12

Friday, January 14, 2011
day 11

P&P favorite line:
Monday, January 10, 2011
day 10
(or not quite a 'baby', but still dang little!)
obviously i look nothing like i did as a baby. blonde, shirley-temple-curly hair, slate blue eyes, and an ever-present high-pitched squeal? not so much. funny how genetics and time work out. but anyway, here's the family again in all its early-90s fabulous glory:
can we just take a moment to admire a few things here?
- despite his salt-n-pepper hair color, my dad was probably 32 or 33 in this picture. everyone on my dad's side of the family starts going grey around age 18. you're jealous, right?
-POWDER BLUE DINNER JACKET. with a pink tie? honestly, dad.
-my mom's fantastic hairstyle. actually not bad considering the time period, but still probably the shortest i've ever seen it. (love you, mom!)
-from the time i was born until about age 11, my sister and i wore matching or at least coordinating outfits, until we had a united rebellion against my mom's dress choices. freedom form bows, lace, and pink synthetic fabrics forever!
day 9
dad, mom, me, K, Generic

what. a. CUTIE!!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
day 8

love her love her love her. she has great music, an incredible voice, and still made sure to finish college after becoming famous. you can also bet that i voted for her on American Idol, too.
(current) Favorite Song: Cowboy Cassanova
yet again, i've fallen off the bandwagon