Monday, June 8, 2009

Random Thoughts

Right now, there are exactly 3 people in my office. I'm one of those three. The other two are on their phones, and my phone doesn't ring. There's no work for me to do. Which leads me to let my mind wander onto more pressing, important thoughts and ponderisms which I'm so generously going to share. Because honestly, I have nothing better to do:

1) T minus 5 days until my sister's wedding. And I still haven't written my MOH toast (see previous post -- no rhyme-pun intended). I just don't FEEL like writing it! Oh, I've thought about it for a while over the past few weeks or so, and I now have a vague outline as to what I want to say, but when it comes to actually putting it down on paper and then practicing it so that I don't mispronounce something or sound like an idiot? I don't waaaannnnnnnnna.

2) To go down to the cafeteria and get a granola bar, or not to get a granola bar -- that is the question.

3) I have a blister on the pinky toe of my right foot, due to marching 16 blocks and back to the library during my lunch break. For a 32-block treck in 25 minutes in 3-in. heels, that ain't bad.
And that blister kinda hurts. And I've looked at Target for those cute little discreet footie nylons that other people wear in their heeled shoes, but guess what? Due to my lovely genetics, they don't make them in my size. And supposedly their "One Size Fits All!" approach hasn't seen the likes of my feet, because they should know that a size 11.5 foot doesn't exactly fall in the same category as the size 6 foot.

4) I'm having a very important internal debate (almost as important as the granola bar question, which I still haven't decided on): where do I take K to get her nails done? I don't want to be a cheapskate, but jeez, I'm not made of money, either! But then it comes down to the argument of "You should be willing to do anything for your sister!" and the argument of "You aren't made of money!!!" Sheesh. Plus, did you know that if you Google "Portland nail salons," it'll spit about 300 results at you? Try narrowing that down.

5) I keep thinking of things I'd rather be doing if I weren't here at work: like trying out one of the bazillion recipes that I've found. Of course, that's assuming that I have the money to buy all the necessary items, have the time to cook them, and have the extra room on my hips to allow for the fat and calories that would undoubtably take up residence after I ate said recipes.

6) I would really like to take a photography class. I don't have the world's best $1,000 camera, but the one I have isn't half bad, and I'd really like to take pictures like The Pioneer Woman ( Of course, I'd need the $1,000 camera, a few cattle and a hunky cowboy or two to complete the picture. But let's start small, shall we?

7) I can't wait until we get wedding pictures back so that I can see how beautiful my sister is going to look. But then I guess we'd better have the wedding first, right?

I'm breaking down -- going to get that granola bar.

1 comment:

  1. FYI: you're not paying for my nails. no negotiation.

    love you!! :-D

