Wednesday, April 21, 2010

just one reason why i love the PNW

Sure, they're technically volcanos that could destruct the entire region with one little hiccup (see: Mount St. Helens), but this kind of beauty isn't seen anywhere else in the lower 48 states.

Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens.

Mt. Rainier and Mt. Adams

Update: I guess you could argue that this little thing called the Rocky Mountains has the same kind of beauty, but I believe that's one of those things where you can lose sight of the forest through all the trees - right?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

so close! yet so far...

Well, while going to the book signing to meet The Pioneer Woman last night was fun, sadly, I didn't get a [good] picture with her. Apparently, only the people who got there insanely early knew that you had to get tickets in order to get in line to get your cookbook signed. Considering I took two stupid wrong turns on the way there and got there only 5 minutes early, I was not one of these lucky selected few. But I did get lucky in that I got a pretty good viewing spot, considering how many people were there.


After a short and very entertaining Q&A session where we were graced with a delightful Ethel Mermen impression, people started getting in line to get their cookbooks signed and a picture with Ree.

Side Note: Most entertaining question of the evening: "How are you going to teach your daughters the difference between a GOOD hiney-tingle and a BAD hiney-tingle...especially when it comes to men?" You could tell Ree was thinking, "How the #$%& should I know???" AWESOME.

She's so pretty, and I'm jealous of her accessorizing ability!

Alas, I didn't get my cookbook signed, but the pictures I got was good enough. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go figure out how many miles I need to run after I eat her recipe for Mocha Silk Pie that I want to make this weekend.

Monday, April 19, 2010

a good day about to get better

Oh. My. Gosh.

I am literally bouncing in my work chair, checking the clock about every 52 seconds to see if it is yet time to go get ready.

4:39. Damn. Not yet.

Because once that clock reaches 4:55 (16 more minutes!) I get to change and make myself look somewhat/hopefully presentable to drive out to Beaverton, go wait in line at Powell's, and get my cookbook signed. The cookbook that I have gone through more times than I can count, salivating over the recipes that I would love to make, but am too scared to due to the fact that if I did, I would eat every single thing and then my clothes wouldn't fit anymore.



Does that make me sound stalker-ish? I mean, I'm no stalker (4:41), but I've only been reading this blog and making these recipes for the past 2 and a half years. I was so disappointed when her tour last summer didn't go any farther west than Texas, thinking that I would never get to meet her. But now her mini cookbook tour is in the NW! Happiness, pure happiness.


Yes, I will be posting pictures tomorrow. I'm so excited! Not only am I goig to the book signing tonight, but my boss got back from overseas today, so I actually had a busy day which made the day go by a bit faster. You know, except for the minutes right now that are dragging by. (4:43) AND my mom is in town, AND I got to feel Nugget kick for the first time yesterday (!!!!!), AND it was sunny this weekend.

Life is good!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

the PERFECT excuse! uhh, i mean, REASON

Now that I'm in my 20s, I feel that I have earned the right to begin sentences with, "Well, when *I* was a kid..." For example, "When *I* was a kid, we didn't have these cool toys!" I mean, now little girls aren't playing with the wonderful miracle Easy-Bake oven (how DO they get a cupcake to bake in 5 minutes by the heat of a 100-watt lightbulb??), but are rolling out fondant and decorating multi-layer-cupcake-sized cakes. With real tools! Endorsed by Duff aka the Ace of Cakes! Do you know how much fun I would have had with that? Heck, even now I'm considering buying it just so I can have that same joy that technology hadn't yet evolved to when I was in the 5-13 yr. age group. While I had the mini-kitchen whose cabinet doors actually -gasp!- opened and closed and the burners on the stove were represented by red coil stickers, nowadays the lucky kiddies get to use a mini-kitchen whose refrigerator has an actual fake-ice-cube dispenser and the stovetop actually lights up when the burners are "hot".

Of course I'm not bitter, why do you ask?

Anyway. One of the other things that I have always wanted to do but could never quite justify spending the money on was the magical Build-A-Bear workshop. Where little kids can go in and biuld their dream stuffed animal, complete with matching outfit, shoes, hair accessories, and personalized heart that is placed inside the animal before being stuffed. All for the low, low reasonable price of ~$30. I mean, as a frugal adult, $30 seems totally unreasonable for a stupid little stuffed animal that will just be played with for 15 minutes before being cast aside forever as being too boring, but TOTALLY seems like fun to make. But now that I'm an "adult" and in my 20s, there is really no reason for me to go in and spend money on a stuffed animal that I don't even need.

BUT. Now I have Nugget to think about! I mean, a stuffed animal is a huge comfort item to a small child. And it is My Duty as an aunt-to-be to make sure that this little Nugget of joy is properly cared for, and has a truly adequate amount of love surrounding it at all times.

This is great! Now I totally have a justifiable reason instead of an unjustified want to go into this store! Add it to the new list of previously unneeded trips to the Disney store, FAO Schwartz, Toys 'R' Us, and the Lego store. BOO-YAH.