Oh. My. Gosh.
I am literally bouncing in my work chair, checking the clock about every 52 seconds to see if it is yet time to go get ready.
4:39. Damn. Not yet.
Because once that clock reaches 4:55 (16 more minutes!) I get to change and make myself look somewhat/hopefully presentable to drive out to Beaverton, go wait in line at Powell's, and get my cookbook signed. The cookbook that I have gone through more times than I can count, salivating over the recipes that I would love to make, but am too scared to due to the fact that if I did, I would eat every single thing and then my clothes wouldn't fit anymore.
Does that make me sound stalker-ish? I mean, I'm no stalker (4:41), but I've only been reading this blog and making these recipes for the past 2 and a half years. I was so disappointed when her tour last summer didn't go any farther west than Texas, thinking that I would never get to meet her. But now her mini cookbook tour is in the NW! Happiness, pure happiness.
Yes, I will be posting pictures tomorrow. I'm so excited! Not only am I goig to the book signing tonight, but my boss got back from overseas today, so I actually had a busy day which made the day go by a bit faster. You know, except for the minutes right now that are dragging by. (4:43) AND my mom is in town, AND I got to feel Nugget kick for the first time yesterday (!!!!!), AND it was sunny this weekend.
Life is good!
Training moves to the trail.
8 years ago
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