Friday, April 15, 2011

New Challenge

Apparently, it's been almost a month since I last wrote something on this little blog. And apparently, the 30 Day Challenge has turned into almost a 90 day challenge....Fail. The thing is, I never really liked the themes for the other challenge - a little too narcistic for my tastes. Therefore, I found one that I think will work out a little better for my tastes, so let's start this again, shall we? Day 1: A picture of yourself with 10 facts.

1. I am allergic to mosquito bites. Whenever I get bit (by any bug, really) I tend to itch it without thinking, especially in my sleep. Which then causes the site to get swollen like a golf ball, and then bruise to a nice deep purple-ish color. Try accessorizing with huge purple welts all over you. ( My record for mosquito bites was in Mexico. I had over 20 bites on one leg, and I believe that I counted over 50 total. I kid you not, I actually counted.)

2. I’m Catholic to the core. Enough said.

3. One of my many useful talents is the ability to sing along word-for-word with Charlie Daniels’ “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” and Sir-Mix-A-Lot’s “Baby Got Back.”

4. Pet peeves: dirty dishes in the sink, people driving under the speed limit, indecisiveness, and walking in a locker room/public area with tile without any shoes on.

5. I don’t drink regular soda. I grew up on Diet, and the aspartame has taken up permanent residence in my bloodstream.

6. I believe that chocolate can solve most of society’s ills.

7. If it’s a good book, I can read it over and over and not get tired of it.

8. Favorite forms of stress relief: a glass of wine, doing a sinkful of dirty dishes, or baking something.

9. I will never fail to freak out any time I see a spider, and I’m not against calling someone from the other room to kill it for me.

10. I’d love to own a Jeep Wrangler someday, either a deep red or black.


  1. i completely relate with your #8! it's amazing sometimes to also combine all three. :)

  2. So....I'm thinking that the soundtrack for this weekend needs to include both songs. I need proof!! :)
